Students with their promotion certificates

About Me

Hello! I’m Sky and I’m an English Language Development teacher.  When I’m not teaching I’m spending time with my family. My husband and I have three teenage children. We have three acres and there is never a shortage of yard work. We ski in the winter and hike in the summer. I’m an introvert who loves a good book or a whole Saturday to myself to clean the house in total silence.


I fell in love with teaching while living in Mexico (2007-2013). I took a TESOL course with the goal of doing some part time volunteer work. The work was so satisfying, and there was such high demand for English language teachers, that I ended up doing it full time. When I returned to the U.S. I took a job at a software company where I worked for the past seven years. I missed the classroom so I started teaching part time in the evenings and studying for my teaching credential.


I feel so fortunate to have found Highlands. When I stumbled onto the website I couldn’t believe I had found my dream job. I hadn’t even been looking for it. I didn’t know such a place existed. I thought surely I would be teaching adults part time in the evenings in community centers or libraries for the rest of my career.


I just started here in March of 2020 two weeks before we were ordered to shelter in place. As we embark upon this new challenge I feel so excited to have an opportunity to marry my professional experiences in technology and education. I know this is a frustrating and challenging time for a lot of us, but it’s also an exciting opportunity to give our students the technological skills they need to be successful in the 21st century. That’s something I’m passionate about and have always tried to embed technology skills into my curriculum. I’m confident I’ve found the right team to face this challenge with and can’t wait to see what solutions we come up with together.