two staff members dressed up in costume for our Trunk or Treat event

About Me

I am an instructional specialist, curriculum developer, and academic coach. My priority is ensuring students receive high quality education in a welcoming environment and leave Highlands with tangible and transferrable skills to build their career. I'm passionate about promoting effective ways for language learning and incorporating technology in the classroom. I have been teaching adults for six years, first as a writing instructor at Sacramento State and then as an English language teacher. Currently I am an academic program coordinator providing academic support and coaching to CTE teachers. With every year and every class, I have learned how to improve my teaching practice and now have the privilege of sharing those ideas with others.
I am especially interested in sparking student interest and increasing engagement through content-based instruction and project-based learning. When students are genuinely interested in a topic, problem, or idea, learning the skill or content becomes a medium of exploration motivating students to learn authentically. Career Technical Education (CTE) provides opportunities to dive deeper and gain a skill for the workforce. Giving adults a chance to participate in inquiry-based content prepares them with 21st century skills for the workplace.

On a personal note, you'll often find me tending to my vegetable and flower garden and pruning, propagating, and  weeding my succulent garden. My husband, daughter, and I prioritize time on the weekends to paddle board with our Vizsla, and explore many amazing places in northern California.